- WELMEC WG8 (Measuring Instrument Directive), 6 June, Paris
Archives: Pro Event Calendar
WELMEC WG5 (Metrological supervision), 15-16 May
- WELMEC WG5 (Metrological supervision), 15-16 May, Bern
CECIP GA – Invitation GA 2019 Bratislava 12-15 June (deadline: 30-4-2019)
We kindly invite you and all members of your association to the CECIP General Assembly 2019 in Bratislava from 12 to 15 June. This year the CECIP GA will be hosted by our Slovak member Únia váharov. The General Assembly and the other internal meetings will take place in Hotel Devín located next to the Danube river. The full programme of the meetings was communicated earlier and can be found as well in the attached document as well. The programme remains more or less similar as in other years with a welcome reception on Thursday, the GA and gala dinner on Friday and an excursion on Saturday. There is also a partners´ programme on Friday.
Moreover, the guide how to register, book your hotel and the registration form for the General Assembly are enclosed. The registration fee is 350 euro for delegates and 150 euro for partners which includes participation to the relevant meetings, lunches, welcome reception, gala dinner, excursion and if applicable the partners´ programme. You can share this invitation with your member companies. If you or one of your members is interested in participating, the registration forms can be sent and the hotel rooms booked until Tuesday 30 April the latest.
More information on the agenda of the LMG seminar and the open part of the GA will follow soon. If there are any questions, please don´t hesitate to contact with aecip@aecip.es.
Me complace en convocarte para la reunión de Junta Directiva de AECIP que tendrá lugar el día 17 de diciembre a las 12:00 h en 1ª i 12:30 h en 2ª.
La reunión será en los locales de AECIP, C/ Viladomat, 174, 2ª – 08015 BARCELONA.
- Lectura y aprobación acta anterior (14 de mayo 2018).
- Presentación nueva página web AECIP.
- Valoración reunión CECIP 21 nov 18.
- Ruegos y preguntas.
Se ruega confirmar la asistencia o en caso negativo enviar la delegación de voto a aecip@aecip.es